The application, inspection and annual accreditation fees on this page are a brief breakdown, for the period 2024-25. More detailed information about the fees is available in our fees brochure. Click below ‘Fees Brochure’ to read more or to download the brochure.

Click here for Fees Brochure

Application and inspection fees

Application fees

BAC charges a non-refundable application fee (£551) as well as an inspection management fee. The total cost ranges from  £2520£3,203.  BAC offers a discount for the inspection management fee between 40-70% for institutions located in middle and low income countries who meet the eligibility criteria of the discount scheme.

Inspection fees

All full inspections for BAC accreditation schemes, including those for candidacy, accrue a variable fee depending on the number of days and inspectors required. BAC will confirm the total inspection fee that an institution will be charged, prior to organising the inspection.

Other BAC fees

For a full list of other types of inspections and the fees payable for them please look at the BAC fees brochure.

Cancellation of inspection with less than four weeks’ notice: £100 per inspector per day (plus any expenses already incurred)

Appeal hearing: £1500 (to be refunded if appeal is not dismissed)

Annual accreditation fees

Short course providers

Institutions accredited as a short course provider are charged an annual accreditation fee based upon the number of course days.

Independent English Language Provider

Institutions accredited under this scheme are charged an annual accreditation fee based upon the number of student hours that they deliver teaching on.

Colleges; Online, Distance and Blended Learning; and Independent Higher Education institutions

Institutions accredited under these schemes are charged an annual accreditation fee based upon the number of full-time students that are enrolled with them. Please note that the Online, Distance and Blended Learning institutions are charged based on the total number of students enrolled with them and have specific categories to acknowledge the larger capacity for student numbers.

BAC offers a 40-70% discount for the annual accreditation fee for institutions located in middle and low income countries who meet the eligibility criteria of the discount scheme. Read the fees brochure for more information. 

Notes on fees

  1. The annual accreditation fee is payable by all accredited institutions and approved candidates for accreditation.
  2. A pro-rata accreditation fee is payable by institutions awarded accreditation or approved as candidates for accreditation during the year.
  3. Fees are subject to possible change every September.