
On this page, the BAC directory lists all accredited providers and their two most recent inspection reports. To find an institution, you can search by the name of the institution, location or type of accreditation scheme.

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G5 Pathway Education

Home » G5 Pathway Education
Office 124, Wolfson College Annex, Linton Road, Oxford OX2 6UD, United Kingdom

Short Course Provider accredited since 18/03/2014

Head of Institution
Janina Duda

01865 517028



GPE is an education provider based in Oxford. Its current courses focus on international university students who wish to enrich their study abroad experiences at leading UK higher education institutions. The structure of the course is comprised of a well-rounded combination of high-profile academic lectures in various subjects, workshops with distinguished speakers, and visits to factories/famous sites. It covers subjects broadly in sciences, social sciences and humanities. The extra-curriculars section is designed to develop skills such as leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation. Aiming to expand the course provision with new markets, which shall cover both school and university age groups.


G5 Pathway Education (formerly Global Prospects Education) - Re-accreditation Report- February 2019

G5 Pathway Education - Stage 2 Re-accreditation Inspection Report - February 2024

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