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Education House Leeds

Home » Education House Leeds
5-11 Hares View, Leeds LS8 4LH, United Kingdom

Short course provider accredited since 30/07/2020

Head of Institution
Maboob Ahmad

0113 322 6557




At Education House Leeds (eHouse), individuals can enroll in workshops focused on management and business administration, as well as English language courses. These workshops are designed to provide experiential learning and development activities that can be practically applied in the workplace to enhance participants' skills. The short courses include theoretical and practical face-to-face sessions, with a focus on the skills required for operating a successful business.
The main objective of eHouse is to develop managers who not only comprehend what needs to be done but can also implement those actions efficiently and effectively to enhance business processes and improve results. These short courses cater to individuals who are currently employed in the business sector and want to apply the newly learned skills to their profession.
Apart from management and business administration workshops, eHouse also offers English language courses such as General English and IELTS preparation from Beginner to Advanced level. For professionals working in a business setting, eHouse provides Business English courses to meet their specific needs.


Education House Leeds - Stage 2 Inspection Report - March 2020.

Education House Leeds - Stage 3 Inspection Report - January 2024 

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