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Nobel International Business School

Home » Nobel International Business School
Plot 2, Arko Close (off Nelson Mandela Avenue), Near Gulf House, South Legon, Accra, Ghana

Independent Higher Education institution accredited since 25/04/2024

Head of Institution
Kwaku Atuahene-Gima

+233 (0)560911174 / +233 (0)266822314




Nobel offers postgraduate programmes. At Master’s level, the Institution delivers an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA). At doctoral level, it offers a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), a Doctor of Business Leadership (DBL) and a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (PhD).

The EMBA course is delivered through a block modular course system using in-person, on-campus classes, together with live online classes, where necessary. The programme is research-oriented and focused on real-world, practical issues occurring within the12 months’ completion period.

The academic doctorate degree programme is also conducted through a block modular course system, using in-person, on-campus classes, together with live online classes, where necessary. Professional doctorate degrees are delivered through a part-time block modular course system over two to four days every two or three months using in-person, on-campus classes and live online classes, where necessary. The programme has a three-year completion period.


Nobel International Business School - Full Inspection Report - July 2022

Following the provision of evidence, the action points are now met.

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